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Topics - Blazing

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General Discussion / O Iibot, O Iibot! where art thou Iibot!
« on: February 21, 2015, 11:14:18 am »
So just out of curiosity, for chapter 10 where are the locations that Iibot can be found after defeating the spider boss? Honestly i just want to find him for the dialogue. Those damn popags! So damn entertaining! 

Introduce / Hey Everyone! Please read if you get a chance
« on: August 20, 2014, 11:46:56 am »
I wanted to introduce myself.
I'm 23 years old, currently still a student, lives in new york
I dont know what else to say but below is how i feel about this campaign
Sorry if its long but i just wanted to share it because i wanted to know if anyone else felt the same

I had played TCO 4 years ago and i loved it, but unfortunately i could progress forward because the story wasn't completed.
I was bored one day and decided to go into the Hive Workshop to check out campaigns because i love games with a good plot line. I have to admit i was intimated because TCO got updated so much that i felt it probably wouldn't be the same enjoyable experience playing the new versions and instead it would be too complicated to play.
I'm glad that wasn't true  ;D
Now i play it whenever i can and i love it. It always seem weird why i continue playing Warcraft III when there is so  MANY other new games but i love it because gave many of us a chance to use it, to put our ideas and built it into actually games.
TCO is by far the most impressive not just because of the long playtime, the creativity, intriguing storyline BUT because of the CREATOR and the COMMUNITY. I had played other campaigns but many of them either never finished and had been given up, but they all had amazing potential (Joe's Quest especially i loved!).
Areo may had many ups and down, many we just won't simply understand because it didn't happen to us, we didn't felt what he personally felt and i hope many people understand that.  But i'm greatly impressed how he had came back, apologize for how it had been, and stated that he wanted to finished what he stared. For that I THANK YOU

That was my rambling if anyone even had read the whole thing, but if you did let people know

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