Author Topic: Version 2.0  (Read 1913 times)


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Re: Version 2.0
« Reply #15 on: December 23, 2014, 03:19:09 am »
Oh god. I was totally happy to see 2.0 released, but when I came to Zylcious fight....The biggest disappointment ever. No, do you SERIOUSLY think that spamming 99999999+ illusions that only swarm and shoot at you is a very interesting, creative idea? Couldn't that be a bit different?..
Well, I somehow defeated his 1 phase, but then he summoned DK's, I beat 3 of them, one spawned a rotating untargetable blade that cuts characters. And that's all! Two more stand at the hill with Zyl and do nothing. Is it a known bug or I just don't guess something?
Anyway, level is impassable for now...
There was a text the boss is not done and those were just the first and second phases.

Aero, whai u don't blocked the way to zyl? :(

I don't know. Perhaps it was stupid that there's middle but you can't access it.

Actually the boss is present but the battle stops. And it seemingly closes the way we need to move to get to the bos and progress on the story. (And Aero, please(!) make something to that illusion spamming, its awful, no offends, everything else is great, but this particuar thing is clearly not).

He should create 1 illusion of himself every now and then. Also he has that one event he creates 12 of himself which will disappear after a while.

Now you guys can see that I have to test dozens of times just one boss fight before it works smoothly and finely. I've been now testing it couple of weeks and even at this moment it still doesn't work properly. A lot of work, and every single time I underestimate how much I need to polish things. That is the reason why it takes years alone to create a project at this scale.

The next minor version which I will release today evening will still not have fully created and polished Epic Boss.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2014, 03:25:25 am by Aeroblyctos »