Author Topic: Interesting characters  (Read 986 times)


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Re: Interesting characters
« on: January 17, 2014, 10:37:46 am »
Zhyon is a race like human that was created in another world. Through the Life Link some have come to Oelivert.

About Axobada, no. Zylcious simply controls the puppets, but it is little like Fradz, except the dragon is in total control of the human. Except this time it's a zhyon so it's like something beyond imagination in terms of power.

The other four... I won't tell them because that would be too much spoilers at this point. Also it would be pretty pointless as TCO have just given so little about the world. You must read the first book, it actually gives 2 more of them, but don't tell them directly. They are very important to the whole world and future plot so it's better to tell them slowly and with just hints. I just wanted to tell about Yurgimar in order to introduce them. There's so much story in all of this and I've told so little.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2014, 10:39:38 am by Aeroblyctos »