Author Topic: Game is too hard? Or am I doing something wrong?  (Read 4464 times)


  • Fradz
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Re: Game is too hard? Or am I doing something wrong?
« on: October 17, 2011, 08:31:05 pm »
Wow fast replies thanks guys :)

My apologies if my post sounded rude and impudent, I made the post in a moment of RAGE and ANGER when I had to restart after playing soo many hours.

I think many of the issues that I posted can be address simply by something you have already mentioned briefly that is:

Make the game so that someone playing on Easy/Normal can actually finish the MAIN story line (not the side bosses) on a single playthrough

That way people who want the extra storyline or the powerful items can go back and GIVE UP and get the items they want, while people who just want to admire your work can see all the 10 chapters that you put 3 years of your life into. I'd really like to see the last 4 chapters play out but I can't :(  .

Some important fixes I think you need to address and I know that other's have mentioned it before in other threads:

  • The Vampire Lord's lair needs not be locked in. (i.e. the door shuts when you engage fight). I seems that a common solution to beating the game is to SELL ALL YOUR ITEMS and give up. Right now I'm stuck inside the lair and can't sell my items, and can't beat the boss cause of the Fradz illusion bug I mentioned before so now I'm stuck giving up with 6000 gold and 12 full boxes which I can't sell :(    <--- the reason for my rage
  • I'm not sure if warcraft has such a function to program in but perhaps something like hitting the SPACEBAR will skip to the next line of dialogue. As others have mentioned, anyone who was raised in a english speaking country can read 3 times as fast as the text changes.
  • I saw in another thread that you were getting a friend to help you with the dialogue. You need to fix a lot of it as there is poor "story writing" english scattered throughout the dialogue, furthermore the stuff the characters say are really childish and seem like a lazy effort at trying to be funny.
  • Bugs scattered all over the game but there is a whole subforum for that so I'm not going to go into it, and I understand it's a BETA still so that is to be expected. Nevertheless, Great work! Keep it up!